coremicro Sensor Fusion Processor

This product was developed from the technologies of the following awarded US Patents: 6,480,789; 6,489,922; 6,665,438; 6,240,367; 6,879,875; 6,463,357; 6,596,976; 6,704,619; 7,239,975; 7,239,976 and 7,548,835
The AGNC coremicro® Sensor Fusion Processor is an efficient, state of the art embedded processor that provides a clean and simple interface to the robot sensors, such as LIDAR scanners, GPS/IMU, encoders, Laser Range finders, Cameras, and more. Working with the AGNC CRCP, the CSFP provides sensor fusion and communication for the teleoperation /autonomous robot control.
• Multi-Serial and IP-based Network Communication
Real time data processing is possible through eight serial ports and two separate Ethernet network ports. Connection of CRCP enables controlling manned /unmanned vehicles.
• High speed and dedicated data processor
High performance CPU is embedded and Real-time data processing is excellent.
• Robot Controller
• Sensor Processor
• Data Acquisition Processor